Careers With Health Care Administration Organizations

The paper discusses the paper on health of employees in public administration organizations from a health perspective. Public administration needs to enhance social and economic environment. This is done by increasing quality service. Therefore, strategy helps to improve various activities of public administration organizations.

The paper discusses the organization as a whole. There are different parts in an organization and all these are related to each other in some way or the other. Therefore, they need coordinated management at all levels. For example, there is a finance department that manages the budget. The health of employees plays an important role in all the other departments because health affects the performance of every other department.

Health of employees refers to the general condition of people. The organization cannot function well without good employees. They can provide excellent services to customers and make the work of government offices easier. Therefore, recruitment of professionals is very important in public administration professionals. Different kinds of recruitment methods are used for this purpose.

Recruitment methods include advertisements in newspapers, televisions and radios, presentations and seminars, awards and prizes, and involvement in community activity. In some cases, public administration organizations conduct job fairs to recruit professionals. All such methods help to recruit new professionals. When qualified administrators apply for a job, there are many professionals in their way who could be recruited.

The healthcare industry has developed so fast that it is difficult for organizations to cope up with all the requirements. It is true that there are numerous demands for nurses and doctors in hospitals. Many people have joined this profession and due to this increase, the number of healthcare professionals has also increased rapidly. Health care administration field is growing rapidly. Thus, several organizations are trying hard to attract administrators for their organization.

A number of professional development institutions are also being established by the local government to encourage better administration work. Many government departments and organizations offer various courses for better professional development. A number of professional development associations are also providing quality training in health administration. Some of these associations are AIEEE, AASPS, Association for Retired Executives (ARED), American Council on Exercise (ACFE), Center for Health and Safety Management (CHSSM), Fifth Special Retirement Group (FSSG), and International Association of Independent Professional Consultants (IAPC).

Other professional organizations like Health Professionals Inc. and Association for Retired Executives (ARED) provide training and support to health policy professionals. These organizations also conduct career fairs to attract the best administrators. Inter-governmental agencies and state healthcare departments also conduct many such programs for improving the recruitment and performance of their employees. Such programs are also helpful in promoting inter-governmental coordination and project management systems.

Many public administrators are trained in many ways including special courses run by various professional development organizations. This prepares them for specific public policy jobs. Since there are many ways to train administrators, many organizations try to provide the best administrative training programs to get good administrators in their ranks. Besides, such programs help in enhancing the candidate’s career growth potential. These organizations also conduct national examinations for maintaining a high standard of their employees.

Specialized Healthcare Management Associations (SHMA) and Association of Special Education Programs (ASEP) are some important professional organizations that conduct training programs to improve the quality of education and training of healthcare administrators. The former provides specialized healthcare administration training and certification to individuals and companies engaged in healthcare administration. Meanwhile, the latter conducts national and international examinations for evaluating healthcare administrators who may become eligible for professional organization membership. These organizations also provide additional professional education courses for professionals interested in changing career. National organizations like Association of Special Education Programs (ASEP) and Special Education Practice Management Association (SSPMA) offer a wide range of special education courses and one can choose from these depending on his interests and requirements.

There is another way to study and get specialized training in healthcare administration professionals. One can enroll himself in online studies. Several medical colleges, technical institutes, and universities offer online education courses for improving clinical skills and knowledge of professionals involved in health care delivery. Online education prepares people for current job openings in healthcare administration professionals and enables them to enhance their knowledge and enhance career opportunities in other health-related fields. Online courses prepare students for a variety of professions such as clinical facility management, quality management, administration, financial and risk management, and law and regulations. A person who completes online courses gets qualification as a registered health information manager (RHM).

Another specialized course offered by several professional associations is Public Administration and Policy Management. In this course, candidates learn about legal, ethical, and governmental affairs and practice. It covers management and leadership aspects of public administration. Candidates studying in this program can expect to learn and apply four different strategic processes, which include planning, coordinating, organizing, and managing. Students can expect to gain valuable experience and practical skills required for working in various fields of public administration.

Apart from gaining knowledge and training needed for working in health care organizations, healthcare professionals can also develop a professional portfolio. They can use their portfolios to showcase their capability for organizational development, leadership, management, and communication skills. These professional organizations train health care administrators and other public administrators in various subjects including communication skills, project management, finance, marketing, and business leadership. Since these organizations are dedicated to providing quality education and training, candidates who successfully complete their programs earn a certificate or degree that prove their proficiency.



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